
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Norman's Cay

We snorkeled a plane wreck yesterday, marched the dingy across a sand bar, and found a beach with the most silky sand I have ever felt.  All I wanted to do was walk up and down the beach with the sand between my toes.  That is the one thing about the Bahamas is the sand here is so soft it feels like fluffy, silky, clouds.  The plane was awesome to swim through.  Much bigger than the last plane we snorkeled.  We seem to always be in the wrong place when the wind picks up.  This time we were an hour dingy ride away and by the time we got to the boat I had goosebumps!  The first time since February in Utah I think.  The wind hasn’t stopped since and we sailed 29 miles further South today and are spending the night on a mooring ball in the Exumas Land and Sea Park.  Jalapeno hit 12.8 knots today surfing down a few big waves!!  We were cruising and we had the main sail reefed once and the jib was only 40% out.  We always seem to pick the worst weather days for sailing.  It makes for some very bumpy and salty rides. 

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